Who We Are
Good Shepherd was founded in 1994 as a congregation of the North/West Lower Michigan Synod (mittensynod.org) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (elca.org).

We are here for all…
Who, sense that life in the Spirit is a journey enlivened by surprising insights and deepening convictions, and are open to being challenged, stretched, and ultimately transformed;
Who need the Bible’s message and the Christian faith to come alive, make sense, make a difference;
Who appreciate worship that engages the mind and touches the heart;
Who seek to find purpose in life and use their God-given gifts;
Who care deeply for others, and seek opportunities to show compassion while working toward justice and peace;
Who yearn for a harbor of hospitality, where people form lasting relationships in genuine Christian community;
Who desire balance in their fast-paced lives, a place of retreat where life slows down and is renewed;
If any of these describe a hunger of yours, we invite you to visit Good Shepherd.
What We BelieveĀ
Good Shepherd’s Statement of Faith
By grace alone, by scripture alone: our salvation is by the gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
We are found by the saving and forgiving presence of Jesus: in the Word of Holy Scripture, in the waters of our Baptism, in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
We are called and commissioned by Jesus Christto go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Faith We Share
Good Shepherd is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the sixth largest Protestant denomination in the United States. The 10,000 ELCA congregations are unified through 65 synods in nine geographical regions. Here is a link to the statement of faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).